Electronic design

Electronic design

Today’s world is characterized by a continuous technological evolution.
There are several new trends in the industrial world, for example the Internet-of-Things, Industry 4.0 and the sustainability concept with all its ramifications.
In addition to this there are also strong modifications affecting lifestyle, as e-mobility, smart homes and cities, smart medicine, etc.
All of this generates a strong demand for a new generation of electronics that can respond to new and more complicated requirements. Many of these requirements are related to technological topics like mobility, connectivity, energetic efficiency, robustness and high-speed data transmission.
In this context, electronic engineering is fundamental to tackle complex challenges in the development of integrated boards with innovative architectures.

The main phases at the base of electronic design are as follows:

  • • Identifying the requirements and feasibility studies
  • • System analysis
  • • Architecture definition
  • • Specification drafting
  • Design
  • Test
  • Integration
  • Validation


How CAAR operates in Electronic Design

CAAR/KGR offers highly qualified engineering services to support design, development, integration and validation of electronic control devices and systems.
Always up to speed with technological progress and know-how, thanks to a consolidated experience and professionalism, CAAR develops directly can support in developing industrial products, IoT, domotics, test and measurement instruments, consumer electronics and power electronics.
The professional competences of CAAR engineers and consultants allow the company to offer highly qualified support to is clients, mainly for the following:

  • Design, development, integration of electronic devices and systems – Analysis of requirements and specifications definition, integration and in-vehicle systems, diagnostics.
  • Validation and testing – Validation and functional testing of cluster/infotainment and electronic and/or mechanical subsystems, including direct support during protoyping manufacturing phase.
  • Hybrid/electric traction and ADAS – Definition of specifications and functional requirements, support during development and validation, complete development of devices (e.g: BMS – Battery Management System).


Areas of competence in Electronic Design